IF it was the Germany news thatsparked up the pot stocks, can you imagine what will happen if the US capitalizes on their greenrush potential and comes up with a good Federal legalization bill that will level the playing field with beverage alcohol!
I want to see Biden push this in time for getting those votes from voters that will come out and cast their ballots for the party that votes to legalize pot in the US.
The future is clear that the US is well on it's way to having a legal pot business for both pharma and rec use for adults but it would be a shame to let that huge greenrush potential whither on the vine.
There was huge money made when Canada legalized adult use pot and the US could do 10x or better based on population alone.
There's a lot of good bills that have been presented and dumped because they were linked up with financing for war bills or some such. They would have passed on their own merit if they weren't encumbered. Take all of those good bills, get a few invested lobbyists to educate the bill passers and crunch out the best of the best of those bills, with fairness in mind, to level the playing field with alcohol.
The US could do some amazing work with a bill that focuses on the needs of potpreneurs to provide all of the banking tools that every other business in the US has access to, except potpreneurs. 10x plus for the US greenrush!
Can anybody explain to me why Acreage A and B shares haven't got the lift they are due after being locked in to beat down Canopy? Seems to me that there should be more uptick due for them since the rise of Canopy shareprice.