Gription wrote: otto2020 wrote:Wrong again idiotway. I am new here, just looking to invest some coin and take advantage of this down trend and stealing some shares from a different stock or two and so far at this price, MMJ is looking good to me. So tell me, how much did you lose on this stock to be so bitter? Don't tell me you didn't lose a bunch and if you didn't then you must be the biggest kind of loser there is to spend time on a board of a stock you don't own. Surely your life is not that lonely and sad that you have nothing better to do....or is it?
Hare is Daveblows a week ago with the new username. He wanted to pretend to be “new here”.
Try as he might....still the Albino stockhouse troll.
Yes . He was also working hard all week to be the biggest " Prize A of The Week " . Out of a score of 10 , I would give him a 9 . Congratulations goes to Dave Blows ....