Quick calculations
Last Q4 they sold gold for 1920/oz and sold 4895oz Cost of sales was 5.7M or $1165/oz
Lets say they sell 4900oz and relaize a price somewhere in between 1900 and 2200 so 2100oz in Q1
Revenue = 10,290,000
COS = 5,708,500
Gross Profit would be 4,581,500 which would be 24% increase in profitability for Q1 and Q2 could be another 24% increase.
With that much cash flow they could speed up drilling or improve production. I would think they would be selling as much gold as possible in this quarter with prices above 2250/oz
This should be a $1 to $1.50/shr stock.
Nothing but good news. All of this is estimated and in my opinion please do your due diligence