Status of recovering gold from P Cove Tailings / Wash PlantThe Nugget Pond mill has a gravity separator .
If,as indicated, that mill is being cannabilized to boost/ add production capacity to the Pine Cove mill, installing that gravity circuit for the aggregate wash plant is simple.
Basically, gold tailings dredged from the tailing pond require little or no comminution as they are usually concentrated by gravity at the bottom of the tailings slurry .
Recovery such high grade fines by passing that slurry through a gravity table , retain the denser gold particles while allowing the much less dense sand and gravel to pass over.
The mill is very close to the tailings slurry.
No mining or transport costs other than dredging costs
With POG above $2300 US per ounce, it would seem that recovering gold fines from the larger tailings Pond should be very profitable .
This is one of several interim production options that could fund the development to production of the HD mine.
An update on these early production initiatives including pit 278 of Stoger would desirable to give us a price and volume breakout ..