RE:RE:RE:Justin For A Fourth Term ?Haha yeah you got a good point. Historically, with only two main parties Lbs and Cons, people invariably vote one of those into power. NDP typically got the 3rd party aka 'protest' vote. But the NDP did manage to break up the duopoly in Quebec with the orange wave and become the federal opposition. Heck even now the NDP effecitvely has control over the Lib minority. Now the Bloc has taken that away from the NDP (and also votes for Libs or Cons) in that province. Maybe what we actually need is a new regional party in Ontario to give people there more options. More parties to firmly break the LibCon duopoly. In Europe alot of governments are largely coalitions made up of three (or more) parties. The advantage is no single party majority runs the show. Disadvantage is it's harder to get consensus on anything. Personally I don't like the Libs or the Cons, so I vote protest party (whatever that is). Lately though, I have resorted to spoiling my ballot at elections. All these guys suck rocks.