First time Chris Evans discloses.This is the first time that Chris Evans has actually stated that there is a deposit on Case Lake, and this supports my belief that Lithium Royalties were well aware that it was a large enough deposit to put it into production before they bought a 2% royalty. Now it's a matter of drilling out the main to determine the size of the known deposit and then producing an MRE for the main. Also of note is Chris used the 59,000,000 tons as an example when all of us were hoping for an MRE between 15-20 million tons. Also of interest was his admission that the Cesium was drawing a lot of interest at Case Lake and his reference to it being "hot". If what appears to be a 2.2-kilometer cesium corridor does exist, the Cesium by itself would be a company maker. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind if the Cesium is proven up either Canada or the U.S. would immediately commit to purchase the material and because it would be the only cesium producing mine in the World both Ontario and Canada would bend over backwards to fast track it into production.