The EndgameMy Comment: Condor being left in the dust
GODL! Precious Metal Soars Above $2,400 After Sudden Gap Higher | ZeroHedge Excerpt:
... a dismal outlook proposed last week by none other than BofA CIO Michael Hartnett, who in his latest Flow Show report noted that investors are looking beyond the "here and now", realizing that there is no way markets or the economy can sustain 5% nominal and 2% real rates, and are hedging two things: i) the risk that the Fed cuts as CPI accelerates, and ii) and more ominously, the "endgame of Fed Interest Cost Control ("ICC"), Yield Curve Control (YCC) and QE to backstop US government spending."
In short, something big is about to break, and if the surge in gold leads to a spike in yields, start the countdown to one of two things: i) QE and/or ii) YCC, because if the bond market sniffs out the endgame that gold is currently smelling, it will be up to Powell to once again prevent a catastrophic financial collapse.