Personas is getting ready for their Big Launchon the new Global signal called the 5G cloud platform. With the bans on Tic Toc to x/old tweeter to old facebook/meta the social media giant in revenues.... all are in turmoil giving personas a competing opportunities to become a social media leader/giant.
there is big money in advertising... and that is where we get our dividends from...
In anticipation of the pending marketing campaign to be executed by Hanzo, the Company has been in the process of making changes to its mobile apps, enhancing its infrastructure and launching the new website.
now lets wait and see new web site.... that will cause excitement.
hope you can see the $$$ in prsn...
yes hahaha we will see a dollar plus.... or alot more....
anyone know the SP of meta... please write quote of meta down for all to see...
why is Meta so expensive?
its all about the ad revenue ... or the money!
all is good that ends good!
No Worries
it pays to play with DD