Program Update: The SCMII will be announced as part of Budget 2024-25, to be released on March 20, 2024. Following the program’s announcement on March 20, 2024, the Ministry of Energy and Resources will conduct a brief industry engagement to finalize the SCMII regulations. Official launch of the program is expected in late spring 2024.
The Saskatchewan Critical Minerals Innovation Incentive (SCMII) offers transferable Crown royalty/freehold production tax credits for qualified innovation commercialization projects at a rate of 25 per cent of eligible projects costs. The SCMII targets a broad range of innovations deployed across all segments of Saskatchewan's aluminum, cobalt, copper, gallium, helium*, lithium*, magnesium, nickel, rare earth elements and zinc industries.
The SCMII program is open to both pilot projects and commercial scaling projects – giving applicants the ability to test their innovations in a pilot setting then deploy them at larger commercial scales. In addition, projects executed on multiple sites and projects that include multiple phases may be considered eligible for the program under a single project application.
*Note: Helium and lithium continue to remain eligible under the SPII program until the SCMII program regulations are in force.
The SCMII is administered by the Ministry of Energy and Resources.