TLRY products. If everyone used TLRY Tilray Brands products 100 percent there would be 99 percent reduction in wars. Who would drink a THC infused Truss Beverage or smoke a Redecan product and think to themselves let's drone attack stuff? Instead they would think God I wish we had American Taco Bell here. Here's a good video explaining what happened. Essentially Iran sent distractions and there only intention was to get at least one or two successful hits on the base that struck them the weeks prior and they did that they got seven with no casualties thank God. USA also doesn't support a counter attack. Let's hope we have a good week in the market and everyone regains their senses and calls it a day. It's almost like grade school childish games on school yard. We have leaders across the globe lobbying projectiles at each other possibly start ww3. Tens of thousand people dying and yet cannabis is globally illegal. Does that make sense?