RE:Worse than March 2020 If I may, the following is what I understand:
back to 10 years ago value BCE was over $170 when Nortel was part of the corporate. If you count that, BCE's value shrink a lot. BCE is a utility not a GOOL, NVDA or TSLA. Its price is expected to be steady.
analysts are staying away Entertainyst only come when they see the price appreciated a lot. Would you every observe that a lot of these entertainysts have to work because they don't have a lot of money?
selling radio in a bad timing Whey was the last time you listen to radio except in the car? What is the revenue? If it does not make money, why keeeping it?
challenging environment in internet pricing Relax.Canadian Internet clients pay highest Internet fee around the world. Do you know independent ISP sell telco ISP service at a cheaper price than the telco? So the grease fat is still there.
people get a pricing from all competitors before locking deal with bce If all the competitors can close the deal, BCE should have no customer now. Is it?
ecolo101 wrote: What else to add.
back to 10 years ago value
analysts are staying away
selling radio in a bad timing, where is the value into this?
challenging environment in internet pricing
people get a pricing from all competitors before locking deal with bce
not sure what will it take to turn it around and get back towards $50......