Reverse Split ANYONE who is actually investing (holding shares) in DM does not want a R/S ....for obvious reasons. Which means anyone still calling for one or is stating that one is coming isn't invested and/or doesn't follow the NRs. This then begs the question .....what are you doing commenting on this board?
And know this isn't pumping. As I have clearly stated with all my recent posts on DM that "only time will tell". They started out with a bang post MG ...and have fizzled of late or at a minimum failed to secure another significant contract. It is no surprise this has created even more frustration for longterm shareholders.
Their new year end finished at the end of last month so they have another couple of months or so before the pigeons will come to roost (good or bad) with the annual financials. These will include a MD&A that should provide some light (or dark) on the future.