C'mon folks , can't be any bag holders still left There cannot be any bagholders left, still holding from the $ 7.52 area ,where I said to sell June 3 /23. .I did say , Still could be value down at $ 5.85 area,for the recent buyers at this level , but at least ,knowing all the bagholders finally got out ,allows everyone to either pursue other options ,makes me feel o/k knowing that that the bagholders are done loosing thier shirt . Ex: TMG GSI , or get back into this play at the lower level. ---Certainly ,what we know ,is that there can't be a bagholder still left from the $ 7- $ 9 days. --We can take comfort in knowing that . ---If there is ,then its a Donkey to the pond scenario for them . . ----- I would take a look to get in at the $ 4.50 level , but thinking at it from my (perspective only), why not buy TMG , or GSI , at bargain basement values instead .