RE:Science & HealthThe FDA finally admitted they have to up their game when it comes to dairy milk and over seeing the pasteurization process because of bird flu fragments found in pasteurized milk. There are many veterinary applications of cannabinoids because you can call us humans but we are still animals within the mammal categroy. The cell death in your post is the death of cancer cells and the immunomodulatory effect can also be applied to beef and dairy cattle so if hit with a mutated form of avian bird flu it does not KILL the herds of beef and dairy cattle so as to sustain livestock herds for beef and dairy.
These new age romans think they know everything about everything when they can't even admit from a quantum science perspective that the electron itself is a cancerous growth of mass that prevents those in quantum flesh to transform by E=MC2 and walk normally upon a Planet π.
Why do Athea and I wrote to NOAA? Because it's a government email and ALL of them are permanently stored. Let the new age romans now choke on their great wisdom.