one other thought
I'm not usually one to voice or support theories that are just hope/speculation.
However, one positive thought I've had lately is that the recent PP didn't have any insider buying for the first time in many years. Usually RDW buys some to keep the positive energy message as he knows his buying is a signal to the masses. But not this time.
Possible reasons
a) RDW is running low on personal cash...who knows. The others may be happy to wait options. Who knows.
OR (and this is wishful thinking)
b) If there are concrete things happening such as discussions about funding or financing, then participating in the PP would be a form of insider trading which has to be avoided. If you just got out of a meeting with some other pharma that is willing to toss a few million your way, and it is looking hopeful, that would be tradeable information.
So maybe the ABSENCE of insider buying in the recent PP is actually a good thing. It sounds ridiculous but gives me an emotional bump while we wait :)