RE:RE:What now? I agree with all your comments regarding CPG. As for WCP being cheap here, I agree somewhat. Unfortunately I can see all Canadian E&Ps heading lower if WTI heads lower. My analysis today is showing we could see WTI drop to below $70 in the mid term (ie, next 1 to 2 months).
MyHoneyPot wrote: Most of their production comes from the east, and that seems pretty much oil weighted, with carbon capture (CO2 Injection), secondary recovery, and new multi lateral well design.
CPG is not in the most Liquids Rich part of the montney, not like Kakwa (ARX), or Karr (POU).
I think what CPG did and is after years and years of drilling low productivity SASK wells, they made a desperate wholesale change of the asset base, destroying shareholders capital, then added truth to their name, and is now telling the industry they have found religion. Even though they did dismal job of bringing their last share issue to the market. The TRUTH is with that management team CPG is not investable.
Article Regarding CPG Debt Link It looks to me like WCP is just getting going, and i think they should be more agressive with their Capex Spend, push up the organic growht.
I think it is to cheap here, especially when compare to CPG.