Trailblazers Trail-blazers make it happen. Back in 2015 Andy Calitz, then CEO LNG Canada-
Are there any lessons you’ve learned from past projects that have helped you with the LNG Canada project?The first is to always have patience; it takes time to properly develop a project of this scale. You have to start early and you have to prove your commitment right from the beginning. The second lesson is that these projects can only happen when stakeholders want to make it happen. This project is about energy, but it’s built on relationships and we’ve built relationships before we built the project. (BC Business Oct 15, 2015)
Andy has since moved on with Shell.
Michael Crothers Shell 2019:
His focus on building relationships with communities, First Nations, governments and partners before building the project, will leave a legacy that moves with LNG Canada into its next chapter.
The idea of producing renewable energy for LNG was put forth decades ago. Of electricity shortages, years ago, well before BC Hydro's recent estimates.
Trailblazers are seen everywhere not only LNG. Respected for their vision of the future, to hopefully make life better. The ideas can be debated and may not even get off the drawing board, but to boldly suggest new ideas is always welcomed.
Sometimes forgotten to history with their ideas often taken for granted. In industry, medicine, ecological realm and space. Here is to all the trailblazers in the world.