RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Bismuth – An environmentally friendly Critical Mineral Spare me and 100 ( maybe 1000) others, we need facts on your suggestion, many of us are well aware of potential
so.... how much capacity do we have ? Obviously lots more than what we need and only recently come accross something hard n fast with Rio
we have been talking GC and USA government involement for at least three or more years - what's new ? Are we close to something significant beside 750 k for testing ..... others have recieved millions we need tens of millions x 10 - who knows ? Jim maybe - he has been with this the longest lol
canada has already doled out billion plus to other related projects - not ft ... until recently no one would speak the words FT and Nico - granted it is getting better
to understand reducing risk one should know what risks we are talking that is definitive - who knows that? Not me and been here.... must be 15 years ?? Maybe more, the biggest risk mitigation I recall is a toxic waste handling program and we still done know who that is?
when I say heard it all I mean it and does not me having given up on FT ... simply means how about something new like .... what happens May 15 th, what other projects and who are they that we can process for them ? I recall cabin lake gold thinking they could process thier gold ore at our mill on site ...What potential offtake clients would we have for our CMs ....Any in Canada ? Is our gov gonna regulate Canadian supply sources to these battery plants that we have committed hundreds of millions to ? ( cart before the horse so far ) and help those Canadian sources in a significant way ? 10 million is peanuts .... we need 50 plus million and we can spend that on 6-8 months.
Dont forget ELBM got ten million and they were getting cobalt from Glencore and DRC and forget the so called sources from the ring of fire in Ontario they are barely started there where we are ready to go ... yes z173 we need something of significance on several fronts - keep up the good work