RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:YOU MUST GET TIRED OF THE BASHERS BCONTVentures wrote: lol top, you'll be back on this board in minutes. It's pretty sad when all you do is post day in and day out on a stock you don't own.
tamaracktop wrote: Yes I've seen the picture.
The Canadian ambassador didn't know the slightest thing about PyroGenesis, other than the fact that it's a Canadian company.
It appears to me me that you know very little about this company in comparison to what I do.
If you did, you wouldn't be promoting it.
I'm finished with your BS once and for all.
Ignorance gives me headaches.
I probably won't rub anything in your face when the stuff hits the fan.
I can't make the same promise to Thinkbig.
It's coming very soon.
Now he's actually telling us what the Canadian Ambassador knows and does'nt know.
As I said, bashers always have the answer, and more specifically this guy, he knows everything about everything. It's magical, or rather delusional.
Point made.