RE:RE:The show on the unmentionable bbGood post Maxmoe. I would agree that Peter is not a shark more of a lion but a very smart one, given the right people and circumstances. He knows the territory as you say but the people once considered allies are still trying to bring him down!
I don't begrudge the "do nothing Smith moniker", it is funny to me as the work he did to keep the company active and afloat over a long time, under severe market conditions was such that it attracted many moths to the flame. In my view it is the team which makes it happen and when you have your players switching sides with no warning or they do unprintable things it is pretty much impossible to succeed. As for CIA, not sure how many are aware that because of his many iron property acquisitions, it was he who started the predecessor to Champion Iron Mines through "his" dealmakings with others. No one else was paying attention at that time. Then there was the dealmaking for Koper Lake, next door to Noront's Eagles Nest and the drilling, findings done on his watch coming up with the highest chromite grade in Canada. Not too shabby in my book. Then there is Magpie which has become an enigma. I really like the fact he donated the well constructed camp used to drill the titaniferous magnetite etc, to the Ekuanitshit Innu. I see this as a great gesture of goodwill and shows strength of character.
Going back to the bad news bears and other operators he had to deal with back in the day and still today; the achievements are outstanding for a guy who likes to collect properties and shiny science projects in your view. Your numbers are a little off, never 100 properties, but get your point. A derisking tactic. The costs of staking and maintaining are low in comparison with other C Suiters who blow company money on yachts, cocktail parties and spa days.
Any chance your Friedland friend might be able to help sort a few things out?
Never been a huge fan of turkey, too gamey.