gold near TimminsIt's a truism to look for a resource near where it has been found before. No point drilling for oil in Sudbury or gold in Leduc, Alberta.
Timmins is the center of the Porcupine- Destor Fault, which in an overly- simplified analysis, has been extended east to Matheson, Kirkland Lake and Northern Quebec. It's also been extended west to Lakeshore Gold, the new Cote mine, and hopefully Galleon.
I've worked underground at 4 famous Timmins gold mines, but can also show you a half-dozen mine workings abandoned because they never hit the mother lode. There are NO guarantees just because of location.
Just so you have a better idea of what you're talking about rather than listening to some ranting fool, here's a link to a Laurentian University lecture on gold in Northern Ontario: