Todays Announcement Goblet ExpansionPure specilation on my part. GOBLET achieved magnificent result in the GOBLET pancreatic trial with the pela ICI combo. So why fuss with success and expand Goblet to include Folfirinix +- ICI? High cost might limit access to treatment, limit who can be saved and reduce treatment population size. And treatment population size affects earnings. Pancreatic cancer is a much smaller indication tham breast and if population is further reduced on cost thats a problem. Im guessing treatment costs would be 300,000 us dollars per patient. 150,000 dollars for pela and 150,000 dollars for ICI.
If ONC with biomarker, can identify a large sub group within the population responding to the combo treatment, thats a big deal for patients, for cost and safety. And i think its portends whats to come for pela in the treatment of all sorts of different cancer indications.
Todays announcement is great especially sonce effort is sponsored by someone else.