Cup is CorrectFrom current level, it will be difficult to move substantially higher. Florence is still a long way off from producing, favorable prior earnings reports and current price of copper has been factored into share price and Gib is a known asset in terms of current share price. So, as Cup correctly pointed out, this is the first time in over a dozen years that a high percentage of NEW Taseko investors are nicely "in the money". This leads to a scenario in which A LOT of swing trading is happening and will continue to happen. Especially with entities that hold several hundred thousand shares and up. Simply setting a 10 - 15 cent U.S. range with say 50k shares can be a relatively safe way to bank decent continued, rolling profits from the trades. Yes, if copper surges to $5+ quickly the parameters may move up a bit but not to substantially higher valuation due to the reasons stated above. Keep this in mind if you're expecting a jump to say $3 or higher anytime soon. We just can't envision that high of a share price with Florence so far out. Food for thought.