IDAHO vs DRIFTWOODDriftwood Fine-grained. dolomitic siltstone and silty dolomites
characterized by diffuse centimetre-scale,
colour transitions. greenish to purplish or almost salmon-pink rainbow-like
Idaho The availability of a new occurrence of the uranium-bearing jasperoid vein exposed in the 5700-foot level of the Sunshine Mine allows reinvestigation of the uraninite using modern electron microprobe and isotope analysis techniques. Most of the uranium occurs in a prismatic UTi2O6 mineral, commonly in aggregates of 5–50 µm long lath-like crystals, identified as originally being brannerite. Subsequently, the brannerite has exsolved into extremely fine-grained uraninite and a TiO2 polymorph Lead Queen attached via ridgeline branching out from Driftwood.
Lead Queen = Metallics are in the Dolos.
Kaiser Driftwood report =
4 km strike. Driftwood has the dolo's + Titanium + Rubidium.
Dolo's have the = calcium = allows transtion to crystalization = prismatic
Driftwood has all the rainbow colors.
North side of Driftwood = Red Mountain claims
Red Mountain claims overly the, red and purple beds.
Gov't should consider the thought of buying all the claims vs making
park land sprawl - lol
Go play and relax in a uranium
Go sit in a hotspring bath named radium springs.