A few miners Many in this industry of investing in junior miners are probably of a bit of a gambler nature, you have to - but gains here do not come overnight, according to experience, but over the long haul, in the right project. So all in all, we have to be patient and then the tide will lift pretty much all boats. Maybe about a year from now I will book half of the increases in the mines and then the other half when various indicators show general overbought for a longer time, ex gdx ma200 up towards two etc. My biggest mistake in a lifetime was to sell out during March 2020 bottom just to buy back for double the price, even an old rat could get nervous there. There's always another girl - unless the woke idiots in DC really think they can win a major war with the East - but then all odds are out anyway and not even a stack of gold coins can save you.
Don't know what people think, but my portfolio mainly consists of abra, ascu, dsv, dv, ggd, iau, lgd, oIII, odv, prb, rvg, ske, tlg, vzla, wrlg plus a nice stack of coins. Comments welcome.