RE:RE:Board Metal - thanks for reaching out to him. He's really quite happy to discuss geniune investor concerns/feedback i do believe.
I sent him a text yesterday after that webinar -
"Hello Sandeep. Who was that donkey interviewing you today? "Dogshit" on 0.4% cueq AFTER capex fully paid for from core? And wasn't this the same guy questioning Paul a year ago about no believing capex in FS. You should have told him...."we can play this game all day long...I mean if you are going to criticize capex about we review diesel prices or steel prices in FS". Or does he realize that using 6% vs. 8% as discount factor in FS would add $1B to NPV...or moly at spot adds $1B. " What was John trying to do....get you in a 'gatcha moment' or ????"
Needless to say Sandeeps response on this was professional --- and that John always tries to challenge people. Sandeep commented that he prefers to keep it positive and factual and it might sound unlikely....but he's seemed confident we'll turn him around on some of his views.
I think we should all take heart...i strongly suspect Sandeep had options after leaving Osikso....and most likley HE chose WRN in as much or more than WRN chose him!