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Edgewater Wireless Systems Inc V.YFI

Alternate Symbol(s):  KPIFF

Edgewater Wireless Systems Inc. is engaged in Spectrum Slicing technology for residential and commercial markets. The Company develops advanced wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) silicon solutions, access points, and intellectual property (IP) licensing designed to meet the service needs of service providers and their customers. Its physical layer Spectrum Slicing allows a frequency band to be divided, or sliced, to enable more radios to operate in a given area. Its silicon solutions are products delivering multiple, concurrent channels of Tx and Rx from a single, Wi-Fi standard compliant radio. Its Spectrum Slicing powered products are designed to address the needs of carrier-class, high-density Wi-Fi for both residential and commercial deployments. Its products are designed with its comprehensive, user- friendly and intuitive Element Management System-EdgeNet, that offers service providers with flexibility in configuring and independently monitoring each 802.11 channel in the network.

TSXV:YFI - Post by User

Comment by SamDiegoon May 15, 2024 6:03pm
Post# 36042140

RE:RE:The reliability of charts on the venture

RE:RE:The reliability of charts on the venture
digital130 wrote: good post.  

Too bad I cant write like you, but I can still add how many shares house 59 PI has picked up.

Take care

Thanks, but  your ability to add,  and your interest in house net positions does not go without merit 
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