Today's ccSo Peter said that (Radian) had allocated the 10 million to pay pyrogenesis, but had with peters ok, used the money to benefit pyrogenesis ( and of course Radian)and would still pay pyrogenesis the 10 million at a later date. The 10 million is apparently going to be paid during the 2nd quarter.
This is a win win for pyrogenesis. The will get the 10 million plus the benefit of whatever the money was used for during the last year.
It's been mentioned a few times that there's been lots going on behind the scenes and whatever Radian put that money into is obviously part of it.
Peter said things would be clearer once Radian paid the money. Sounds like he couldn't explain fully right now but will soon.
Whatever Radian did with the money, it apparently is a of great benefit to pyrogenesis. Peter said if you were to put a cash value on it, people would look at the company in a much different light.
It was something Peter went off script to talk about, he thought it was significant enough. Just thought I'd update those who haven't listened to the cc.