RE:RE:New HPQ Silicon Agoracom InterviewThis is the information investors need to know about! Very informative and obviously relevant.
A quick review of other posts indicates that bashers are now on to Mellon's proposed sale of 800,000 or so shares of pyro. FACT: Pascali still owns or controls almost 80,000,000 shares of Pyro. He's not going anywhere. My take on the sale of the Mellon shares (now and in previous quarters) is that Pascali is simply closing the Mellon Trust. He's doing so in a way that creates the least amount of disruption to Pyro's share price. Probably has received tax advice or other professional advice that the trust is no longer suitable to the original purposes. This is speculation on my part. The fact of the matter is that the sale of Mellon shares has proceeded over a long period of time and is a small fraction of Pascali's ownership stake in Pyro.
Staying long and stronger than ever as we wait for new press releases.