Undisputed Money$$$ missed ? -- what would U do ?Undisputed Money$$$:: DROSRITE ROI !
Besides the $10M deferred payment possibly used for DROSRITE Residue JV Plant, the ROI from existing Operational equipment has already been Realized (paid for themselves) and continues --
"An onsite DROSRITE™ System reduces operating expenses by 60-80%," said P. Peter Pascali, President and CEO of PyroGenesis, "and has a projected payback of less than one (1) year.
* 5th Paragraph::
And achieving the Swell effect for Radian! (no wonder Radian CEO is grining in Pic @ ARABAL Event.
** What would U do as CEO with ROI $$$ ? -- i'd Re-Invest in more Proven equipment to double or triple ROI
AND Talk about 'Just Getting Started' -- Pyro has yet to tap ZINC &:COPPER Dross Markets ! ::
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