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Advanced Micro Devices Inc AMD

Alternate Symbol(s):  N.AMD

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. is a global semiconductor company. It is focused on high-performance computing, graphics and visualization technologies. It operates in four segments. The Data Center segment includes server central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), accelerated processing units (APUs), data processing units (DPUs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), smart network interface cards (SmartNICs), artificial intelligence (AI) accelerators and adaptive system-on-chip (SoC) products for data centers. The Client segment includes CPUs, APUs, and chipsets for desktop, notebook and handheld personal computers. Gaming segment includes discrete GPUs, semi-custom SoC products and development services. Embedded segment includes embedded CPUs, GPUs, APUs, FPGAs, system on modules (SOMs), and adaptive SoC products. Its products include AMD Ryzen AI, Radeon PRO and AMD Advantage Premium. It also accelerates development and deployment of AI Models on its hardware.

NDAQ:AMD - Post by User

Post by long342on May 17, 2024 1:38pm
Post# 36045902

AMD's MI100X and A are 7 months ahead of Nviidias

AMD's MI100X and A are 7 months ahead of Nviidias Blackwell wich will not be released until year end or early 2025.  AMD to make billions in the mean time.
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