Someone will buy us out so strategy of keeping the price at different levels as we move forward is just plain stupid. Uplisting is going to kill that strategy if were not bought out first. I am hoping HITI would buy us out just cause I own them. I would also choose WEED.
They both are planning US entry, HITI already has over a million Canna Caban members in the US and Raj has specifically said he wants to move into the US. WEED already owns pretty much 3 US major pot companies now, so there moving to US for sure. One small factoid. Canada population about 33 million, States about 320 million, no brainer right?
So keeping the share price down, yea that might be a good idea for some purpose, unfortunately making money is not one of them. It does make us a prime target for a quick take over. EOM going to be spectacular, some major just waiting to see one more stellar quarter. Lost count, 5 or 6 quarters in the black now?
Ker Ching, Ker Ching.