STEPPING INTO THE UNKNOWN IS NEVER EASY... When someone has got so much time, keeping mind on beauty and turn thoughts from evil things are prioritized.
UNLESS you are Maxipad:::::::::
Comment by tamaracktampon Nov 18, 2023 10:56pm
RE:Paid bashers working overtime
This stock is going to zero.
Post by tamaracktampon Nov 12, 2023 1:43am
Speaking of its...
If this stock goes higher on Monday I'd eat my hat if I had one.
I'm not ashamed of my bald head that Thinkbig used to love referring to in his posts.
Maybe he still does, I wouldn't know
“Reading and comprehension does not appear to be your forte. I have stated several times publicly that I AM A SHAREHOLDER.”
Some of us have different outlook in life, accumulating material things, working for different reasons. Take this scenario: Buy a pet dog, nurture and take care of it until it turns on you and bite you, then you start mishandling and mistreating the poor dog.
What I do not understand is why buy something in the first place and yet you deride it, despise it or repulsively hate it. Case in point are some of us who claim to have invested in PYRogenesis, yet continuously and incessantly write negatory remarks about it.
“ A little class and respect for members would go a long way.”
Really? You must be kidding, Right? You expect someone who insulted you to still show class and respect after what he has done to you? “ If he slaps in the right cheek, offer him the other cheek to slap it too.
Post by GrahamB on Dec 19, 2023 7:24pm
PYR shareholder equity
Interesting question as to whether or not, if the company liquidated what would be left. You really need to do a forensic on the balance sheet, but a couple things you need to consider, as he would have access to the assets, and what is happening currently to liquidity and how likely is it to be at the balance sheet remains intact as stated. Well, if we look at what you're saying, based on the last Financials:
Total assets are 36,842,601 and total liabilities are 30,719,912
So technically, it’s positive around 6 million.But,remember, this is from the balance sheet, and we need to look and see what those assets are.
Accounts receivable are about 12 million, and the company is already indicated that much of this will be written off. Goodwill is about 2.6 million exactly how will that be realized? Property and equipment, write up his assets, there’s about 7 million.
And by the way, if the company were liquidated, who has first rights?