RE:RE:RE:RE:Another emailDon't you think ? About anything beyond your own wingspan? Pretend you are anyone at any small cap company with an "active" bullboard here or CEO.CA or yahoo or Facebook or any other social media platform you frequent. Now imagine the same guy, using several usernames is clogging every platform with highly critical comments. For YEARS! . You still with me or have you powered down before I make my point? There are a relentless stream of criticisms on every platform. Usually several per day. I would estimate not hundreds, but thousands. Some may very well be warranted. Maybe even all of them. That's not the point. The point is if you are a director or manager there is NO WAY you would EVER engage in a conversation under those circumstances. In fact, the most likely result of your poisoning of the well is nobody gets a drink. Not one drop. If it's me at the other end of your nightmarish attacks, no communication will get a reply unless, I KNOW who the sender is. You get it that you have no "right" to a response don't you? You get that bad behavior will get you banned from Facebook or even s/h eventually? Have you been banned from Tim's, MacDonald's, the public library, an airline, train, or bus? You behavior, would very quickly result in a ban at many retail or public settings. But you're probably appalled by the signs on the walls at most government offices like the drivers license place, LCBO, and I've seen them ar fast food joints. Zero tolerance of your nasty behavior. Whether you are "right" or not. Shocking eh?