Writing on Wall ! Common Sense vs. Ghouls FUD/Basher Doubts In Summery:: U telling Me U doubt Pyro with New Age Cutting Edge Proven Solutions won't get a piece of the Global Climate Reduction GHG & Clean Energy Pie ($T est.) or Survive ? --
*USA Alone is currently Funding approx. $15B for Green Steel, Green Aluminum, Green Cement, PFAS Remediation !!! + Europe & Middle East $Billion Commitments & Initiatives !
If U missed these (some of my previous posts) time to re-think Ur Investment Strategies --
Below are General Gov't Big$ Funding Initiatives in the News -- i can bet U Total Global Funding is at least $50B - $100B at present !!!
Biden's climate law has led to 86,000 new jobs and $132 billion in investments, new report says | CNN Business
White House funds $6B to decarbonize US industrial sector | Manufacturing Dive
EPA directs nearly $1B for electric school buses
** Pyro consistently in Talks with Key Global Players & is just getting started !!!