Cannabis more consumable/popular than alcohol Many are now figuring it out that alcohol and tobacco kills. Cannabis gives you the same feel good high but with no destructive or kill syndrome. It's also a medicinal healing product that the Asians have known and used for centuries. Any wonder why big pharma does not want MJ legalized? Too bad. When 70 percent plus of Americans want full scale legalization and know cannabis cures ailments while pills do nothing but make big pharma and doctors rich by prescribing pills, more and more people will turn to cannabis as both a "healing" and "recreational product". You can't stop the public from buying what they want. Word is getting out and Cannabis consumption will only grow and expand by big leaps. One country at a time. We are so early in this once in a lifetime generational wealth experience. USA can keep playing their games while the rest of the world moves on with reform. My guess is this is all an orchestrated play leading up to Nov elections. Things will play out based on what they have already decided on behind the scenes.
As usual DYODD and invest accordingly.