Re: These people are the absolute masters of finding mooseQMET is a Blue Chip stock compared to the garbage stock Matica, that is trading at $0 that was the sole stock owned by our Guru, jrussellhustle who pumped that stock 15,000 times over at the Matica forum and he nicely accumulated over 1.5 million shares avg price @ $.50. That $1/2 million loss wiped out this fine fellow who occationally posts at our forum. Sadly, he owns zero shares of any actively trading stock, but has wallpapered the room at his rooming house with his Matica certificates.
You might want to join in the Matica forum to critique this disaster as you seem to enjoy taking a negative approach. It now trades as WIB and say a nice hi to jrusselhustle. He doesn't post there anymore but he watches the forum like an eagle----almost the same degree he weirdly follows QMET.
You might enjoy his past pump on Matica and chart how well his $750,000 investment has grown since 2018!
Post by daveknowsbest Apr 28, 2018 10:09am 78 Views daveknowsbest wrote I stated earlier that I was going to pick up an extra 300k of MMJ at $.45 cents just to keep the shorters on their toes, but as deperate as the bashers are here today, it's obvious that they can't cover at $.49, so I'm upping my buy to 500k on Monday as well just to make it even harder for these poor fools. It's great seeing these losers sweat, I love it!. Great time to buy guys, watch this stock skyrocket this week. Good luck to all those invested in Matica.