RE:where we stand todayThere is definitely a lot going on behind the scenes at PyroGenesis and PYR has progressed significantly during the last couple of years.
From the Q1 NR: "The company's flagship technologies are now being assessed, tested, or in use across a much wider array of major heavy industry categories, in more primary jurisdictions globally, than even we once thought possible. In so many ways, we are just getting started."
Keep in mind that PyroGenesis' business potential has drastically increased during the past couple of years, look at the new markets PYR has entered, new patents filed/granted, the second production facility coming online, and the growth in employee headcount. PYR is gearing up for exponential growth. It is not the size of the contracts (big contracts will come), it is the validation of the technology. If people cannot understand that, then they don’t understand PyroGenesis and where the company has come from but more importantly, where it will go when you have the biggest iron ore company in the world purchasing new game changing technology. It is simpy mind boggling what that will mean for PYR going forwards. The Market always lags behind R&D. It is rare for people to truely understand the value of technological advancements right away. A great visual of PyroGenesis' solutions. A number of these solutions have been commercialized during the past couple of years:
It is amazing that PyroGenesis has accumulated so much high tech and plasma expertise (and numerous patents, over 120 now granted/pending) over the past couple of decades (PyroGenesis was founded in 1991), and PYR never went under. PyroGenesis kept plugging away and over the past couple of years they have doubled their manufacturing space and employee headcount All the while more interest is garnered in PYR’s products, technology, and solutions. Uncleron wrote: is vastly different from 1 or 2 or 3 years ago as far as potential news sources...Today we are witnessing the penetration of more & more markets..such as the cement market where it was first thought to be a market for plasma it's way bigger than torches alone...Cement needs "' fly ash ' which comes from coal burning power plants , these plants are being shutdown or converted to Nat Gas worldwide due to the massive amounts of pollution from coal burning...Where will the fly ash come from to replace this dwindling source ??..Pyrogenesis can become the supplier of fly ash worldwide...The Pyrogenesis fly ash is being tested today and so far it's exceeded all tests for durability & flow ability...and strength...using standard concrete testing methods....We have witnessed the penetration of many markets ie; dross recovery- AM printing powders- Water purification systems- medical waste disposal systems- iron ore pellatization torches- and are about to penetrate the Si metals market + the fumed silica market to mention a few of the other heavy industries that will benefit greatly by using Pyrogenesis and HPQ plasma technology....,,,the greenest technology invented ...basically they have no choice,,, there is no better solution available...
These big industrial giants need everything Pyrogenesis and HPQ make in order to reduce their GHG emissions ASAP... ..uncleron is always right !..cheers