RE:Crux article on SIC
The Novamera MOU is for mining and not just bulk sampling.
Sokoman's news release on 23 May 2024 indicated the MOU was for bulk sampling.
However, Froude says it is mining using Novamera Incorporated technology in his Crux interview released today.
Also, Novamera's website describes their technology as mining. Their video discription shows a seris of large diameter core holes follow along a vein to extract the ore. A huge bit grinds up the ore and the pulp is pumped out. They discribe it as surgical mining akin to mining practices in the past and some currently were just the vein is extracted.
There is no word on how this will be financed but the logical answer would be that the mining will pay for the drilling and there will be a profit sharing with Sokoman. Wether the mining proceeds depends on Novamera's due deligence determination that it is worth while proceeding.
This looks like a significant game changer for Sokoman.