1 Hole and 450 meters ?????We waited months and months with delays in shipping for Valentis drill crew and drill to arrive from Indonesia. Then when everything was setup we had maybe 2 weeks of drilling and a 450 meter hole by today's standards a shallow hole. Lots of questions remain that have never been answered. With that many years of experience makes me wonder what happened. Exploration 11 says replace Bryce as CEO but until you have all the answers from all parties related one can never be sure as to what exactly happened. Looks like we may never get that . Exploration 11 puts the blame all on Bryce as CEO and I get that but that is too easy. Bryce is not a Miner or a Geo with 30 years experience but we had that on the Advisory. The Fireside chat does shed some light that Majors now have no problems drilling up to a kilometer with access now and undertstanding the geology properly is key and that unlike North American deposits on stepouts - you have to know where to drill and we have that now as Geo Huw has stated with new technology and vectoring. What Exploration 11 Fails to understand is that it takes years to bulid up rapport and trust with the locals something that talk and money just can't Buy and with that the change that one is looking for may put us retail in a worse position than before..Exploration 11 posted that Gandel and his technical team of Geo's were never in Fiji if that is correct then that is not what we retail voted on. The mineral deposits are there which Anglo has proven.