New insider filings report...CEO Richard buys a WHOMPING $150.00 worth of shares today and pays 2 cents each for them.....LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL....HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of UNWANTED 1.5 CENT shares on the ask the sellers would LOVE to get rid of and he pays 25% more than he had to.....LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL...You can't even make this stuff up I tell ya.....LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL....Just who would put their money in a company owned by someone that would do something as ridiculous as that....Is it any wonder this stock went from $2.85 a share to ONE PENNY in just over 5 years.....LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL...Qmet to ZERO????....OH YEAH!!!