Status quoWhat many of you don't realize is that LME will continue to operate as a junior exploration company regardless of M&A status. Don't you think a potential buyer would want the company moving forward with the intention of proving up more GEO's? Daily discoveries on the Ishkoday may seem insignificant to most of you but in reality it is adding more and more value to the company and shareholders. So when you see a PR like the one that went out this week its because things are moving along as "status quo." For those of you that think that the potential change in the capital gains inclusion rate will force a deal, you are wrong. A potential buyer is not effected by a change in captial gains with this transaction. Many of you hold your LME shares in your TFSA or RSP accounts which are not effected by capital gains. Capital gains would only make a difference to those who own shares in their cash/margin accounts held personally or by their corporation. If you own shares in your cash/margin account I reccommend you talk to a tax professional about strategies they may offer if the inclusion rate is increased at the end of this month. Let's not lose sight of the fact that USCG is still engaged and is actively working with the Special Commitee Board. This relationship was set up 10 months ago for a very specific purpose. Let the process unfold folks...