RE:FUDsters having another go on short side?GripnRip,
Nothiing good is on the way for Northern Graphite Corporation.
Everybody and their cousins know it's likely the NGC.V share price would be taken down to $0.09.
After all, we know that for Hugues Jacquemin, Greggory Bowes, Guillaume Jacq ET AL (collectively also known as "The Missionaries On Assignment"), DILUTION IS THE SOLUTION.
Since upward of CDN$0.55, selling short NGC.V shares has in fact been the only way - some would even say it was the guaranteed way - to go about generating a great ROI.
After all, you only need to ask the "related party" type market maker representatives hired by NGC management about just how easy it's been to generate ROI from somehow facilitating the selling short of NGC.V shares.
Those short selling regulations exempt "related party" type market makers generate great ROI for themselves and provisioners of their deployed capital eh.