RE:RE:My opinion , this stock should be worth a lot moreWhats holdin TUD back? Reality. TUD is a lot more liquid than AMK. Has traded more than twice the amoun of dollar volume today and endless amount available at 80. I suspect TUD might sell some ATM shares today.
Its non-deals like this that give the TSX such a bad name
HNRC trades at $0.011 per share! $400 in the bank $2.5M market cap! But they are "buying" AMK for $200M! THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME SELL MY 250,000 AML SHARES IN THE 20S! THE DUMP IS COMIN BABY...................ITS COMIN........IMHO
As well:
1) What happens if HNRC cant raise $200M? Break fee of up to $115,000 payble to AMK. But HNRC only has $400.
2) If no deal, but AMK does a deal with someone else in the next 11 months? AMK pays HRNC $6M! Thats like givin away money!!!!cskhurasu wrote: What is holding TUD back? The fact this is a non offer that looks more like a scam than a real transaction? I hope I'm wrong but a break fee of $115,000 if AMK walks away is clearly not serious.