The MoJo -Mojo N Hobo-Hobo Vat 69 - U are being Scammed This’z from the Time and Sales on the IBRK Trade Station
What a hobos hoax… don’t come to the house – well will leave a basket at the traks w some grub and a bottle of loboltmy/...
At 0500hrs 50K shares were sold out of the CBOT today for 0.090
at 0630.oo 250K shares were brought at o,o50
at o631hrs 250K shares were marked up on the boards for 0.o30
AQNEO – TSX -AEQLIT and PURE exchanges
the readers here on this board are bieing scaredied ket to sell thei storks at 0.020
we hav a troll caoupell.. the banbko artist…
they want U to sell Ur NCI Stoks…
what Me Lie !
U R being scammed w false truths about a banko - no facts 0- not dokets.. loyd of scarie faced electrons from the trolls - scammin here...
ohh i cannot upload a pik.. my troilling permissions - well they are not there.. soo no screen capture.
nuff to make U buy shares in the Brooklyu Bridge and the forst 100 feet of the holland tunnel