ElectrificationA Trudy and Liberal myth , just like his older mentor Biden. It doesn't matter how much future toxic waste comes from building more wind farms or Solar fields , it's all a myth rubbish.Even if those eyesore noisy bird killers were built or in our northern climes Solar , unless the morons in power mandate the provinces and their domiciled Power companies to spend about a trillion or more on improving the grid , this approach is a total crock.Loo! At those Ecoidiots in California , buy an EV but don't use your air conditioner , what next a stove as we can't keep up and blackouts will happen. I am 71 years old and my youngest grandkid at the ripe o?d age of 8 will know all about the value of fossil fuels.Fortunately myself while l am still around and her father , my son will set her straight and counter the biased left wing teachers whose goal is to brainwash and teach them what to think not how to think.In my student career l only ever met one Conservative teacher.Nkw BTE has had a nice rise today and dispite the manipulation of oil prices by big Hedge Funds and the Dems it will survive and thrive.I also agree with Frank , usually he blames the yanks , true but l have always maintained and so does his last post that our big anchor drag was a select group of whiners and obstructionists who delayed and protested every stage of the TMX never mind any mine or other infrastructure project.Thsts like they protested against alcohol till they got Casino licences and now that Trudy will give them a huge chunk of a 34billion pipeline at 10cents on the dollar those welfare cases are all on board.Remember my 9year old grandkid , she and others of whatever that generation are called will be squeezed , extorted for reconciliation payments when they become taxpayers.Never will that select group ever stop asking , demanding or stop acting like victims.