RE: thyme 4 ol Slewslewfoot2 wrote: 2 explain things... first what wasnt said... the problems with the mine , ie no mention of water geotech issues , production issues, ect... like wear has money gone.... so safe 2 assume that it is knot good... bcause wht else would pala, merc, and kfc not privide a bridge losn 2 get to nameplate...
1. ncu common shares will knot reopen for trading, prolly be listed on pink paper in otc market.... commons will get prolly 1% on the dollar.... congrats 2 the bagholders...
2.... ug mine is likely a rite off...
3... open pit and ug infrastructure are the assest that will be fot over....
dip loan is first priority so will get pick of the assests, then the kfw guys .... then pala....
seams pala gave up .... and prolly ritefullee so.... 4 ceo, hundres of million invested,ect.ect.... water and week geo still exist....
hate 2 say eye told u so.... well actually eye love it.... eye told u so.... lucklea as u r all well aware, ag is meye main focus....
now 2 the bagholders...
knot 2 worry, eye m sure this is a good thing cause now we have 60 mill to get 2 nsmeplate, 20 bags by september
Yes Slew you seem to have a much more realistic view of where things stand for NCU than some of the delusional massive bagholders around here.
People like Fluffy have been calling for huge profits around the next corner here for years. When a company has nothing but bad news quarter after quarter year after year this is where they usually end up.
Having been through this experience myself with companies like Trevali, Rubicon, Aurcana and a bunch of others i have learned that when there is nothing but bad news for years on end its best to run away and take your usually smallish losses quickly rather than to keep doubling down and throwing more and more money in the garbage.
As you say if things were so good here and huge profits were around the corner why could they not get some more financing as they are an operating mine? By the time the recievers and accountants and lawyers get their share and then the debt and all the other creditors as usual the shareholders will likely recieve 0.
Lets hope for a miracle but 0 is what shareholders usually get in cases like this. I feel sorry for people who listen to Fools like Fluffy who has pumped all kinds of junk on different boards for years while losing big time on everyone.
Anyone taking investing advice from people like him well what can you say?
Sometimes the most valuable lessons are the most painful ones.