the cub reportits bean a while 4 the update on the cubs..... well cub ncu went in2 chapter 11... eyem sure the will emerge stronger than ever and will employ nuton tech on the long stopes... 12 bags bt october... cub bwcg , had all its cash stripped away lost the option and harry and rooster properties , duster drill program at cantoo.... just a slight hiccup, just pictures of the next drill program once the find sum cash will be enough for 8 bags easy....cub ame hasnt done anything in almost 2 years, so eyem sure a pp will come soon... then it should be 15 bags if the decide to use the possible cash on drilling... so close to the motherlode.... only 5 bags if they just use the funds for admin purposes cause eyem sure a big will make a big offer.... overall eye m pleased with meye positions....