RE:RE:Monitored by RCMP?Haha. Very strange M.I.S.F.I.T
I wonder what that lost and strange man is doing these days?
Anyone hear where daveknowsbest is? What he is doing after losing everything after being played for a fool by the crew and Boris?
HemmingfordJoe wrote: WealthyWidow wrote: Back in the days when Dave's 1.5 million shares were trading north of 1 cent (now at 0), apparently the RCMP were going to investigate any negative comments that were directed at some fool who was always bragging about keeping the shorts on their toes.
I am wondering if any arrests were made by the RCMP to any Matica shareholders.
I remember that day we'll. Matica Boy claimed to be sitting in the RCMP lobby and he was threatening another anonymous stockhouse poster with filing charges. He was actually doing a countdown . If Donnie didn't apologize within 30 minutes for insulting the M.I.S.F.I.T then Misfit knowsbest was going to March his way up to the counter. IWe all laughed our heads off. It was almost like being in the 5th grade.
Qmet lithium and pegmatites Drilling upcoming in June. " I for one am a true believer " said MMJ boy.