VIDEO - Woopsy - forgot to post the graphene membrane video.
It's simple - but stick with it.
Covers several important subjects on graphene water treatment.
8 min
Other Idea ?
Maybe GEM should hybridize their graphite.
Though high grade near perfect as is... a hybrid would make it supreme.
If they know the graphite ( formula ) add more of the ( ? ) to achieve ultra conductivity.
Haven't come across anyone hybridizing graphite.
Silly ? Think again. It would allow concise formula conductivity.
Doable. Just check formula compatability.
Carbon with oxygen molecules - poor conductivity.
Activated carbon - heat, preasure removing oxygen = highest conductivity.
Activated carbon is superior.
Carbon from graphite + ( other ) already in graphite = add more = super conductor.
Give a run on, activated carbon. wink.
Reduce CO2 ?
CO2 has 2 oxygen.
Google cloud wouldn't function well with CO2 rising - cloud web net - wink.